Central Hub and Town Hubs

Where It All Connects

The game will consist of one Central Hub and many Town Hubs. The Central Hub and Town Hubs are designed to encourage engagement, interaction, and experience. There will be a Tale's Journey that players can use to assist with in-game navigation.

Central Hub

The Central Hub will be the landing point when players enter the game - the Soulofox universe. It is the center of the universe and the main social hub for players of all levels to aggregate, interact and socialize with others.

The Central Hub will be the main hub where public social activities can happen such as virtual beers, social nights, or public townhall sessions. The Central Hub will have the following initial features (which will be expanded over time):

  • Center Stage - to host Ask-Me-Anythings (AMAs), concerts, stand-up comedies, etc

  • Display Screen - to hosts streaming events, movie nights, etc

  • Bulletin Board - for announcements, public notice on DAO proposal

Central Hub will be the place where seasonal and/or special events happen. For example, a game influencer hosting a live-streaming event to showcase a mini-game gameplay.

Town Hubs

Town Hubs will scatter across the Soulofox universe, and each Town Hub will have a unique theme. The theme will be announced when each Town Hub is released as the Soulofox universe progresses.

Players will go to Town Hubs to tackle battles, complete quests, and engage in mini-games to open the gates to other Town Hubs. Each Town Hub will comprise of different quests, combats, and mini-games.

Town Hubs will also have Web3 mini-games applications integration to further increase the engagement and interactivity to enhance players' experiences.

Disclaimer: This section aims to describe the framework for the Town Hub. The section will be updated progressively to include further details when developed.

Last updated