Treasure Chest

The Greater The Risk, The Greater The Reward

Treasure chests are one way for players to receive NFT and Soulocoin rewards through an RNG loot system.

Treasure Chests require Treasure Keys to open, and the keys can be obtained at varying chances by winning battles and/or completing quests.

There will be different treasure chests in the game and each requires its own key to open it. There will also be seasonal treasure chests for specific ocassions where players can obtain limited and rare items/collectibles.

Tips: There will be a community treasure chest which offers daily free pull(s) to reward players daily.

When opening Treasure Chests, players will have a chances to be rewarded with one of the following:

  • NFT - algorithmically generated NFTs. May include rare or limited-edition/seasonal NFTs

  • Soulocoins - Varying amount of Soulocoins.

  • Skins/Emotes/Others - Rare and permanent elements that can be used in-game by players on their adventure

  • Consumable Items - Items which can be used by the players on their adventure.

  • Materials - These materials can be used in the game for trading or crafting other consumable items.

Last updated